During a fall KUSD school board meeting, Superintendent Jeffrey Weiss outlined the process KUSD will follow regarding book challenges.

KUSD has received multiple book challenges from a member of MassResistance, a national conservative extremist group.

The person submitting the challenges, who has no children in any KUSD schools, indicates on the forms he submitted that he has not read the multiple books for which he has submitted challenges, save one.

Disturbingly, one of the people looking to ban books in KUSD schools, obtained the student contact information for thousands of KUSD students.

At this time, MassResistance has indicated plans to submit over 200 book challenges to KUSD. Moms for Liberty, which has a group in Kenosha County, has fueled nationwide bans of books.

None of the books they are challenging are required reading. The books are available in school libraries for students who choose them. While the books MassResistance is targeting go against their personal, political values, these books are valued by other families and their content has a place in KUSD schools. You can read more about that here and here. At a recent KUSD school board meeting, multiple speakers attended to defend the Freedom to Read. You can hear their comments here.

KUSD already provides a process where parents who are anxious about book content can control what books/ subject matter their own child can access at school: KUSD process for parents on book content.

Book challenges are expensive and take up school resources and staff time. KUSD estimates each book challenged will require 4 to 6 weeks to evaluate and will involve committees of multiple staff people, administrators and community members.

Every PARENT has the right to make decisions about their own child's books.

No political group or other parent has the right to make that decision for every other parent.