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Wednesday, June 5th

6:45 - 7:45 pm

Location provided upon registration

Presented by Megan Johnson, member of the group American Families United

There are over one million US Citizens with undocumented spouses in the US and six thousand of them live in Wisconsin. Actions are needed to streamline pathways for undocumented immigrants with no criminal history and deep ties to the United States to obtain parole or a lawful immigration status that would provide stability to their families, require them to pay taxes, and to check in with the U.S. government.

Presentation includes:
- Why we currently have a unique window of opportunity for Biden to act (without Congress)

- Why are there 1.1 million US Citizens married to undocumented immigrants who need Biden's help?

- How this campaign can affect Dreamers and other immigrants

-What polls show about how this would (positively) affect Biden/Democrats

-Simple ways to help!

Register HERE. Location will be emailed after registering